Tips for lighting lump charcoal in a chimney?

So far I've used lump charcoal twice - both times to make Steve Raichlen's Ember-Roasted/Caveman Salsa. Used lump charcoal because, on first use (out of the 3 times it says it's good for on the bag) it tends to have a lot less ash than Kingsford briquets.

The first time it was easy to use, not too different from Kingsford, although burning a bit hotter. The second time, the lumps I had in there were pretty big - one of them was the length of the entire chimney. It took forever to get lit up and then the fire was relatively cold. I think I asked about it here (or maybe it was with a coworker who always uses lump) and was suggested to break it up a bit next time first.

With the weather getting warm enough for grilling (been BBQing and smoking all winter), I wanted to make some ember roasted salsa again. But would like it to be more like the first time. What are your tips for lighting with a chimney to get a nice, quick, hot fire going with lump?

Submitted April 26, 2018 at 09:40AM by thedjotaku

