Cooking striploin steak. Some questions.

So my grocery has a sale on striploin steak, about 1 inch thick, frozen, with a nice cap of fat at the side. I haven't tried cooking steak and plan to sear it on stovetop using my SS pan (I have no oven). Pardon me for my silly questions.Is this a good cut? I've read that this is the same as NY strip steak.ATK found out that it's better to cook frozen steaks than thaw them first. You get better crust and smaller overcooked band. But they finished it in the oven. Do you think I could finish a frozen steak using stovetop only? Has anyone had experience with this? What should I do differently?When do I season the steak with salt and pepper? Seasoning doesn't rly stick to frozen meat.Thank y'all!! via /r/steak

