Is (American) Wagyu Steak "Worth It" vs USDA Prime?

I know this will be a highly subjective, but I would enjoy hearing people's experiences. Ribeyes are my favorite and ribeye caps are my favorite ribeyes.I get Costco Prime grade ribeye caps ~4 times a year (~$18/lb) (yes I know about blade tenderizing, does not bother me). There is no (American) wagyu available locally that I've been able to find. I've been looking at mail order Snake River Farms (~$120/lb) ribeye cap.So for people that have had wagyu, would your rather have prime 6X a year or wagyu once a year (if that was your budget)? Is it try it once in your life to say you have had it type thing or is it really that much better?Thank you for your input via /r/steak

